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Q - query node

Used to build filters based on binary operators. Helps build more complex database queries

Q is a class that allows us to make complex database queries. For example, if we need to make a logical query with the operators "and", "or" or even combine several operators at once. By itself, Q is not intended to be used like regular classes. This class is based on logical operators, with the help of which it builds a query.

Let's analyze the simplest example of how a query is built using Q:

from models_manager import Q

Q(id__in=(1, 2, 3))
'"{model}"."id" IN (1, 2, 3)'

From the example above, we can see that our python code has turned into SQL code, thanks to the Q class.

  • id converted to "{model}"."id"
  • __in converted to SQL IN
  • (1, 2, 3) converted to SQL (1, 2, 3)

Now let's complicate the example and add a few more arguments to our Q

from models_manager import Q

Q(id__in=(1, 2, 3), id__lt=5)
'"{model}"."id" IN (1, 2, 3) AND "{model}"."id" < 5'
  • id converted to "{model}"."id"
  • __lt converted to SQL <
  • 5 converted to 5


Note that our expressions are now connected with the AND operator, which is the default for such expressions. But it can be changed by passing the default argument inside our Q

from models_manager import Q

Q(id__in=(1, 2, 3), id__lt=5, default=Q.OR)
'"{model}"."id" IN (1, 2, 3) OR "{model}"."id" < 5'

Now we see that the expressions are connected via the OR operator.

Let's now connect the two examples above. To be shared by the AND operator

from models_manager import Q

Q(id__in=(1, 2, 3), id__lt=5) | Q(id__in=(1, 2, 3), id__lt=5, default=Q.OR)
("{model}"."id" IN (1, 2, 3) AND "{model}"."id" < 5) 
("{model}"."id" IN (1, 2, 3) OR "{model}"."id" < 5)

We got an example, which is connected, through the OR operator

Consider the use of logical operators on the example of the user model

from models_manager import Model, Field
from models_manager.utils import random_number, random_string

class User(Model):
    identity = 'users'
    database = 'stuff'

    id = Field(default=random_number, category=int)
    username = Field(default=random_string, category=str)
    email = Field(default=random_string, category=str)

    def __str__(self):
        return f'<User: {}>'


| - Bitwise OR

from models_manager import Q

User.manager.filter(Q(id__in=(1, 2)) | Q(username='some'))


& - Bitwise AND

from models_manager import Q

User.manager.filter(Q(id__in=(1, 2)) & Q(username='some'))


from models_manager import Q

    (Q(id__in=(1, 2)) & Q(username='some')) |
    (Q(id__lt=100) & Q(username__like='other'))

Above were an example of how you can build logical expressions for database queries